Saturday, October 13, 2007


How to Make a Mac OS Wallpaper

How to Make a Mac OS WallpaperThis tutorial i found on Dr. Photoshop while surfing on the net and think good enough to share with you to create a Mac OS Wallpaper yourself. Follow these steps to create a Mac OS wallpaper or download Video.

Procedure to create a Mac OS wallpaper:

1. Create a new document that is double the size fo your intended project. In this examle it is 5000 pixels x 5000 pixels. Use #0A5FAF as a fill for the backgound.

2. Create a new layer.

3. Expand the window making a large margin outside the document canvas.

4. Using the pen tool, make a curve that starts outside the document and ends outside of it as well.

5. Right click or Ctrl Click on the pen path and fill the path with white or #FFFFFF.

6. Apply a stroke effect of about 1 to 5 px depending on the size of the document.

7. Adjuts the fill to about 10-30%

8. Repeat Steps 2-7 a couple of times.

9. Duplicate each layer for safety measure. Just hide the original so no changes will take effect on it. Also, so you won't have to re-do every layer in case you make a mistake.

10. Apply a mask to the newly rasterized layer (you can find the button in the bottom of the layer palette). Take the gradient tool and set it to black to white and blending mode darken. On the layer mask, apply gradients by clicking and dragging. By setting the blending mode to darken, you can apply the gradient multiple times and it will not undo the region masked region created on the gradient you dragged out just before. This would not be true if it were normal. You want to leave the center and the middle of the stroke mostly intact and hide the ends and sections not close the the line.



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