Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Send text messages directly to mobile from Outlook 2007

Send text messages directly to mobile from Outlook 2007Microsoft has introduced some very nice features in Outlook 2007 to make the things much easier which we’ve always done. The Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar put the commands we need right at our fingertips. Now it’s quick and easy to compose and format message, add attachments, and then send. Tracking tasks, making appointments, scheduling meetings, working with contacts in Outlook 2007 is now lot easier.

But here we are talking about the new feature called “Outlook Mobile Service” in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 that allows you to create and send text messages as well as multimedia messages to a mobile device from within Outlook in a manner similar to e-mail messages. Most of us prefer communicating with colleagues through e-mail or mobile phone. Outlook Mobile Service makes it easier to use both these media and is fully integrated with Outlook. With Outlook Mobile Service, composing and sending a text or multimedia message is now as quick and easy as creating and sending an e-mail message. After the message is sent, you can see it in the Sent Items folder in your Inbox.

After it is installed, Outlook Mobile Service becomes a part of Outlook, with options for mobile messages available along with the options for e-mail messages. The mobile messages that you send will be saved in your Sent Items folder, just like the e-mail messages that you send. The mobile messages that you receive will be sent to your Inbox if you want them to be, just like regular e-mail messages. You can also save mobile messages in the Drafts folder for later use. By using Outlook Mobile Service, you can send a message both as an e-mail message and as a mobile message to multiple contacts at the same time. You can stay informed when you are away from the office because Outlook Mobile Service can forward the e-mail messages and calendar appointments that you choose directly to your mobile phone. In addition, you can receive messages from a mobile phone directly in your Outlook Inbox, use a mobile address book that has information about all your mobile contacts, and redirect summaries of your Outlook Calendar to your mobile phone.

How Outlook Mobile Service works?

Send text messages directly to mobile from Outlook 2007Outlook Mobile Service works with the mobile service provider for your mobile phone to provide you with a seamless communication experience. After you send your mobile message from your computer, it goes to the Web service for Outlook Mobile Service, which is hosted by your mobile service provider, and is then sent to the mobile phones that you choose.

If your message recipients want to reply, they can do so from their respective mobile phones. The messages sent by the recipients are handled by their respective mobile service providers and sent back to the Web service for Outlook Mobile Service. From there the messages are sent back to your e-mail Inbox, your mobile phone, or both, depending on the preferences you choose.

Note: Multimedia message functionality is not available to wireless service subscribers in the United States. The Outlook Mobile Service is restricted to text messages only in the United States.

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