Saturday, January 27, 2007


Make any PC your own with Mojo Pac

Wouldn't it be nice if every computer you touch suddenly turned into your own- your favourite programs, settings, even your own desktop settings? No problem. There are applications that let you save everything you need from your computer on a USB thumb drive, a portable hard disk or even your iPod. So the next time you use an alien PC, just plug in the USB device and you will get your own working environment.

What you are essentially doing here is, using the hardware, operating system and internet connection of the actual physical computer, but running everything else from your USB device. MojoPac is one such application, run only on Windows XP. It has easy features like data copy that helps you decide what to copy into your USB drive. In addition to files, you can transfer your entire environment including browser settings, your browsing history and all cookies.

How to use MojoPac
Even better when you remove the USB drive, the computer returns to its original state, no matter what changes you made while you were handling it. Since your files remain on your USB drive and never need to get transferred to the other PC's hard disk, there is no possibility of data leaking out. If you are using MojoPac for quiet some time and feel that your programs on USB, using MojoPac, are running slowly then you should read(speed up MojoPac) this to optimize your USB drive for performance instead of quick removal.

MojoPac Desktop

Download 30 days trial version of MojoPac (size: 9.3 MB) | MojoPac Home Page

Related Post: Access your Personal data from anywhere

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